Sunday 3 May 2009

It's May and we have sunshine

Does it seem to you as if time is flying by faster than it ever did before? It seems as if we just finish one weekend and the next day we're finishing up another one.

A lot of things have been happening in our life... and of course the minute I typed that my head went completely blank HAHAHAHA... Oh Yeah... Olivia is back down at school and preparing for her final recital at RNCM. It's May 26th for any of you who may stumble up on this blog and be interested. Things are a little unsettling for her just now as she approaches the end of her time at the Royal Northern College of Music; she's faced with the outside world and we're all praying she is either accepted into a program in Amstedam, that she'll be auditioning for this week, or that she finds another company to work with. I can't imagine facing the world, these days, head on like she is about to, but she's a very smart girl and we'll be here if she needs us.

We've had a couple of really pretty days the past few weeks. Lots of blue sky and sunshine and spring flowers and trees blossoming everywhere. The daffodils have run their course for the season but we still have a few tulips. I need to get out and weed the dandelions out of the grass and from beside the driveway before they all go to seed, andof course the lawn needs mowed. Bless their hearts, the missionaries came a few weeks ago and weeded the back garden really well so I won't have to do that. I'm not sure yet if our budget will allow for new plants in the garden but we still have a little time to figure that out.

The repair work in the bathroom is still NOT finished, although the contractors that did the work thinks it is. The insurance company who paid for the work has another thing to say about that! They were sure surprised to see just how little work was done and how poorly it was done for the price they paid. We'll most likely have to have the new ceramic tile floor lifted up so that the repairs that should have been done to the floor, get done! The contractor didn't stabalize the floor so the grout between the tiles is cracking and chipping up because the floor is moving underneath the tiles. It was most likely warped from the water and the contractors didn't even address that problem. Anyway... the bath will have to come out AGAIN and some of the tiles will need to be replaced when the shower is moved to the center of the wall rather than 5 inches from the corner. Sheesh! Did you follow all that? Then there's the skirting board issue outside the bathroom and the water damaged wall they didn't even look at (apparently). It's just a mess which means most of the work is going to have to be ripped out and re-done. Calgone... take me away.

Oh well... moving on...

I've discovered Twitter and would you believe Yoko Ono is following me on my Twitter page. HAHAHA... I found her on one of my friends Twitter pages and was following her when all of a sudden she must have clicked on the follow button to follow me. Imagine that... Yoko Ono... That's too funny! Anyway, I can see why it's fast becoming the hottest new networking site. I inadvertantly spent almost 3 hours on it today before I realised I'd been there that long. I'm going to have to limit my time and stick to it.

Will and I are still keeping well and trying to stay away from all coughs and sneezes inadvertantly aimed in our direction. A good friend of ours was admitted to hospital with influenze but Dr's haven't said yet whether it's type A (aka swine flu) or not. All we know is she's really ill. This new strain of swine flu has everyone concerned. I remember when it hit before with devestating results. Pray it doesn't hit as hard this time.

Well... as I rack my brain I can't for the life of me remember the things I was going to post so it will have to wait for another post. Sorry... but I hope all of you are doing well and that you have exciting things happening in your life.

Welcome to my world

Ok, so this is the first time I've ever tried anything so sophisticated... facebook was one thing but I managed that, now to pretend that I can master this as well. I haven't got a clue how to make the page look good so you'll just have to bare with me while I fiddle around until I can create something magic to look at.

In the mean time... HI... Hopefully this will be an interesting journey through, in and all around my life, which is pretty great just in case anyone was wondering.

It started in St Mark's Hospital in Salt Lake City Utah about 52 years forward to now....................................I met my really adorable hubby about 8ish years ago... fell in love... got married... and moved with my 5 suitcases to Bonny Scotland. Not long after I got here Olivia began settling on this side of the pond as well. She's currently living in Manchester England while she finishes up her Masters program at Royal Northern College of Music, but that's going to change this summer... stay tuned.

Moving right along...

Cottage at Dornie Lochalsh Scotland

Cottage at Dornie Lochalsh Scotland
Yes... Scotland is as beautiful as you've heard
So there are a few pics for your viewing pleasure. I'll be waking Will in a few minutes so he can get ready for church. It's a really pretty day here today... cold and a big breezy but the sun is shining and that's always a plus when it's winter in Scotland.

The hedgehog was out this morning looking around for a gourmet feast for breakfast but other than him it's been a quiet critter morning.

We should have daffodils in a day or two. The crocus have covered the ground in the meadows... what a sight!

Have I already said how beautiful Scotland is?

Daffodils in the Meadows

Daffodils in the Meadows